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Med Tech Gurus

Feb 26, 2020

Question? As an aspiring med tech entrepreneur does the thought of trying to raise significant amounts of outside investment dollars give you anxiety. If you are currently a CEO would you be interested in a 6-fold increase in the likelihood that you will be funded? Listen in to this episode of Med Tech Gurus, we welcome...

Feb 19, 2020

In this episode of Med Tech Gurus, Mr. John Pritchard CEO and Founder of Share Moving Media discusses the best practices that companies and executives should think about when attending conferences. John dives into ways you can prepare. Along with that learn about how Share Moving Media can assist your teams with...

Feb 12, 2020

Kathleen Vollman inspires in this episode of Med Tech Gurus. Listen in as Kathleen takes us through her challenges and insights as an entrepreneur & nursing thought leader. Kathleen discusses the challenges the healthcare deliver system faces with the nursing shortage and launching new medical technology in today's...

Feb 5, 2020

In this episode of Med Tech Guru’s Mr. Dan Durenberger Global & Key Accounts for 3M discusses how a strong partnership can help your Medical Technology launch on the right foot. Dan discuss key design elements and best practices to achieve best in class results.