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Med Tech Gurus

Nov 25, 2020

Gurus James Russell covers the ins and out of Value Analysis. Listen in as James helps us paint a data and outcome picture by looking at clinical data, utilization data and then using that to improve outcome.  Gurus James covers all the information you will need to know to put your best foot forward from a...

Nov 18, 2020

Gurus by focusing on improving the lives of a patient population best practices are born! Dr. Reinhartz explains how her focus on this and looking for better outcomes lead to her launching her business Mobile Health Consultants. Victoria walks us through some of the challenges and how they lead to best practices. All of...

Nov 11, 2020

Gurus what is the most important endeavor in launching a new brand or technology? How about the 3 most important aspects of launching your new business?

You are not going to want to miss this episode as Adam walks us through all of this and more. Adam demonstrates why he is indeed a Guru!

Nov 4, 2020

Gurus as you launch an endeavor to you always think of the Why? Do you think of the workflow for the clinicians? Or how the patient will access the technology? In this episode of Med Tech Gurus. We have Mr. Massimo Carrara. Massimo is the Founder & CEO of Inception Business Advisors. Massimo delivers some terrific...