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Med Tech Gurus

Mar 31, 2021

Gurus, this episode is jammed packed with value!  Clive Smith is a self-described compulsive problem solver. Clive has been the CEO of Thinklabs Medical for 30 years.

His story demonstrates that early on he called a bank CEO as a student an compelling him to give him a loan to come to the US  from South Africa to study...

Mar 24, 2021

Gurus, do you really understand the process that your organization uses in the sales process? How about your customers? Do you understand their supply chain process?

If you knew this would it make your business life easier?

In this Episode of Med Tech Gurus we have Ms. Jody Dobson Vice President of Business Development...

Mar 17, 2021

Gurus, does your organization have a focused approach to gaining business at the Veterans Administration Medical Centers?

Do you know the four key initiatives that will improve your chance of success within the V.A.?

Are you aligned with the right partners to help you gain traction

Gurus you are going to love listening...

Mar 10, 2021

Gurus, does your surgical instrumentation collect data and send it to the cloud? As a manufacture would you like to get performance information on your installed base? How about utilization information in real time?

How would you like to be able to provide key metrics to your clinical stakeholders?

In this episode of...

Mar 3, 2021

Gurus, technology as we know is moving at lightning speed. How do we harness this technology so it helps patient outcomes without interfering with clinical workflow.

In this episode of Med Tech Gurus we have Dr. Rafael Grossmann. Dr. Grossmann has been a Ted Talk presenter and writes a well respected blog. He is a...